Showing 1–12 of 40 results

Cayenne Chilli Powder Online now

Original price was: $7.99.Current price is: $4.00.
Cayenne Chilli Powder Cayenne’s fiery red color is matched by its fruity heat. When fresh, cayenne peppers have a shiny

Chipotle Chilli Powder Online Sale

Original price was: $7.99.Current price is: $4.00.
Chipotle Chilli Powder Chipotles are actually another famous pepper in disguise—they’re jalapeños that have been smoked, dried, and ground, often

Cinnamon Powder Hot on Sale

Original price was: $7.99.Current price is: $4.00.
Cinnamon Powder The long, complicated history of cinnamon starts in Sri Lanka (once called Ceylon), where it grew originally before

Clove, Whole Sale

Original price was: $7.99.Current price is: $4.00.
Clove, Whole An icon of the spice world, cloves are the dried, unopened flowers of a tree that’s a member

Coriander Powder on Sale

Original price was: $6.99.Current price is: $3.50.
Coriander Powder The dried fruit of the cilantro plant (and a close relative of parsley), coriander has a citrus-y, mint-y

Cumin Powder Fashion

Original price was: $7.99.Current price is: $4.00.
Cumin Powder Peppery and prepared to play well with others, cumin was once so popular it was once carried in

Cumin Powder, Roasted Online now

Original price was: $7.99.Current price is: $4.00.
Cumin Powder, Roasted Without cumin, we’d have no savory dal, tajine or chili. Hundreds of beloved recipes get their distinctive

Cumin Seed Supply

Original price was: $7.99.Current price is: $4.00.
Cumin Seed Earthy and peppery, cumin is a key player in many common, highly spiced dishes like shakshuka, dal, and

Dill Weed Discount

Original price was: $7.99.Current price is: $4.00.
Dill Weed Is there anything more refreshing than the bright, grassy flavor of dill? Early Eastern Europeans sure didn’t think

Espelette Pepper Flakes Online now

Original price was: $24.99.Current price is: $12.49.
Espelette Pepper Flakes When it comes to Basque cuisine, the Espelette pepper reigns supreme. Straddling the border between France and

Fennel Seed Online

Original price was: $6.99.Current price is: $3.50.
Fennel Seed Powerful and distinctive, ribbed fennel seeds give classic sweet Italian sausages their tang. The product of the spiky,

Fenugreek Leaves Supply

Original price was: $6.99.Current price is: $3.50.
Fenugreek Leaves Also called methi, fenugreek leaves are small, oblong sprouts from the delicate fenugreek plant, which is native to